With 20 years of history, at Domenicana we offer an ideal place to relax and enjoy a great moment with excellent food and excellent people. To thrive our cuisine, we care not only about providing with our standing-out dishes but also with our fresh ingredients from our garden. This is all thanks to Okada-master's farming skills and his more than 30 years of international experiences, including in-situ cuisine lessons in Italy, Spain and in the Middle east.
At the heart of Shimane prefecture, from our self-hand-built house you can admire a colorful mountain landscape and will breathe a sigh of stress-relief in a dream place surrounded by nature. Our location also gives you the opportunity to visit magnificent nature places around and hot springs during your visit to Domenicana.
We will be so happy to welcome you at our restaurant; this is the energy for our smiles.
20年の歴史を持つドメニカーナでは,素晴らしい料理と素晴らしい人々とリラックスしながら素敵な瞬間を楽しむのに理想的な場所を提供しています.料理を提供するにあたって,派手な料理だけでなく,新鮮で素朴な自家製食材を提供することも大切にしています.これはすべて,マスターの農業技術と,イタリア,スペイン,中東での現地料理の修行など, 30年以上にわたる国際的な経験のおかげです.
Toshio Okada